I have created a theme for this contest... it's not 100% awesome but it is what it is?

I know I tried hopping on the picture a day bandwagon... but I guess I will do a picture a day whenever the heck I feel like it bandwagon ;)
Today I was lamely sitting on our kitchen island reading a random magazine and directing Andrew (six years old) how to heat up his food in the microwave, and when he became so excited about his food heating up in less than 30 seconds, it brought back stupid memories of my own naive childhood.

When I was 7 I remember my barely 6 year old brother hit the 1 minute button on the microwave to heat up his hot cocoa, and the brilliant 7 year old that I was told him he was stupid and that was not enough time, because somehow in my genius mind, 1 minute meant 100, and that just seemed too little amount of time for delicious hot cocoa. So I set the microwave to 190 seconds and walked away... the next thing I know my mom came in into my room holding a hot mug with an oven mitt calling me stupid. She then beat the shit out of me and killed me... okay just kidding, but she was pissed and apparently, I was not a genius. THEN, my mother had the nerve to punish me for such an innocent act and took away any microwave use for a week. What the fuck mom!!

Do you know how much that sucked ass for a 7 year old? How the hell was I suppose to survive? Was I suppose to eat ho-hos and live on that?! NO, I was not. I was going to starve to death if I did not heat up my hot dog in the microwave for ten seconds, because YES, ten seconds cooked my hot dog perfect for myself. I was going to starve, and if you haven't noticed. I did. I starved and died. Okay obviously not, but my love of ten seconds hot dogs is NO MORE!!
Remember that one time I was all like "I'm going to blog a lot" ... I am so funnneeehh.

So I have decided instead of doing that I am going to do this thing where I just put pictures here. So, here is my daily picture (: It is my mom and myself when I was younger. Enjoy it.
I think I am going to make it a habit to post a new blog at LEAST weekly, if not more... but I doubt I will blog more than once a week. I just have nothing to say... ha ha ha just kidding, I have too much to say.

So today, on this lovely 6th of January of 2010... I dropped the twins off at their new preschool for the first time, and yes, I ran away as fast as I could. It took a lot of energy for me to go get them... how easy would it have been for me to leave them there FOREVER? Hahaha, obviously I am only kidding... I actually got there thirty minutes early for pickup because I missed their dirty little faces and their annoying whining like crazy... but now I'm regretting it.

Okay, that's all from the mind of Heffa... but not really, I just am too lazy to type more because I have a kid leaning on my left shoulder which makes it hard to type. Bai.
I have a lot on my mind to the point where I don't think I can really get a good night sleep, so why not blog?

Have you ever noticed how people are always talking and discussing others behind their backs? How everybody does it, even the most pure and innocent ones? We all do it, and I have no idea why some people say they don't. Recently I have had a few situations arise where I know I am being bashed behind my back, and it frustrates me. Do people know my side of the story? I like to think that I do not try to hurt people or openly bash them, although it is true I sometimes do say a harsh word or two about some people, I never would publicly spread it over the internet, the office, their homes, etc. But I admit that I sometimes do talk and discuss incidents that have happened... but I also know I always give both sides.

I had sent out apology letters to a few people that I know I have hurt, and in return I got the most hateful letters back at me. Honestly, I felt like a complete bitch and I wondered what I had done in my life to hurt these people and I tried to talk about it via email calmly, but I got a huge letter telling me why I am basically a horrible person. At the end of these emails to two different people I ended my own words harshly, something I really dislike doing. Why did I have to lower myself to their level and hurt people more? But that is not what even truly upsets me, what truly upsets me is the fact I know these emails are being spread around, and I know that I am being shown as a cruel bitch. Was my first email shown where I had apologized, or just my last email with harsh words that I never wanted to say to somebody, but I was so frustrated and aggravated with the negativity that I allowed myself to throw it back??

It takes two people to tango. I know I did things wrong in the past, but I also know that so do other people. Another thing that really frustrates me is that I feel like I try to let people know both my side and the other side rather than bashing. For example, a lot of people have been really harsh on the way my boyfriend is with spending time with me and allowing me to see his family and friends, but they only know my side. I try to be really understanding with him because I know his reasons, and I am trying really hard not to bring our relationship up with other people because their first instinct is to bash him, but they do not know his reasons for the way he acts.

Is that why I am being called a stupid bitch? Is that why I am getting little messages from people telling me what is being said behind my back? Because my side isn't being shown? Do I really deserve to burn and be called an enemy? Is that necessary? I am so frustrated with the way things are happening right now and obviously it's a sign I should not tell people I am sorry.

Oh life, you are so crazy sometimes.
Last night I had a dream, or maybe it was a nightmare; anyways, I HAD A DREAM!!

It was the worst dream of my LIFE. I remember laying in my boss' bed sleeping when somebody came up and tried shoving a chip in my mouth; I got angry and pushed the hand away, realizing it was my ex boyfriend's hand. Awkward... except I asked him to be there? Our clothes fell off pretty fast, and I heard cars pull up so I glanced outside and saw the father of the kids (that I watch) show up so I flew into the bathroom to throw on clothes and told my ex to do the same. Next thing I know my roommate Samantha is there and the boys' mom is there too. I told them I had to go shopping and told my ex to meet me in my car, except I took off in my car half naked to Walmart.

This Walmart was gated? I pulled my car up to pay the parking fee and when I got out some guy asked me if I was rich and I said yes. He wanted my to keep my money in his safe and I said no, and all of a sudden I was an old lady with a cane shopping for bikinis and telling some chick with really big boobs I bought LaFonda even though I was rich?

AND THEN, I woke up because of my alarm and crawled upstairs really confused and told my roommate about the dream while getting coffee. The End.

Off to work. BYE! (:
On October 10, 2009 I walked 25 miles for breast cancer in NYC. It was the most amazing, terrifying, painful, and emotional experience of my life. My feet are blistery, my back feels like I re-broke it, and my heart hurts for all of the breast cancer survivors, non-survivors, and anybody who took the courage to walk for this cause.

I entered into this walk alone, but at the end of the 25 miles I had met so many amazing individuals that it did not even occur to me that I was walking solo. After this weekend, I am unbelievably exhausted, both mentally and physically, but I can't wait to do this walk next year.

The reason I decided to do this walk was because my Auntie is a victim of breast cancer; she has done the chemo, and had a mastectomy and has survived. She is still fighting it everyday, but she is a survivor and I wanted to walk for her. I also walk for all of the women in the world, whether they are in my family or not. Not only was I walking for my Auntie, but I was walking for my sister; although she does not have breast cancer, she does have cervical.

I decided to walk for anybody in my family who is a sufferer of cancer, whether it was breast or not; I am already in the search for cervical cancer walks, and various others. Many members in my family have been a victim of cancer, and I want to walk for all of them in the future.

Everybody should look into walking for some sort of cause, whether it be cancer, a disease, a benefit, you should support it.

Here is my youtube video of the event:
My roommate is a fat bitch. I was told not to blog about that, but I will... once again, my roommate is a fat bitch.

In other news... on Friday at I am going to CBS with who knows how many others as a walker for breast cancer. Not only do I get to view the show for free, possibly get interviewed, but I also get a backstage pass... go ahead, be jealous. Then on Saturday I am heading into Brooklyn to start my 40 mile walk along with thousands of others; the amount of emotions going through me is most definitely unexplainable. Hopefully I will have family and friends around the world to support me even though they aren't at the end to greet me. That's all for now.
Today is Wednesday... hip hip hooray!! Two more days until I walk for breast cancer, which I am still anxious, stressed, freaked out, happy, excited, and whatever emotion you want to throw in there. I have so much on my plate right now, I almost want to throw that plate and get a new one... but I can't, because this plate has pretty swirls and stuff on it.

OKAY, it's early, I make no sense, I am tired, I can't really see the screen, but I thought I would blog. I'm watching cartoons, waiting impatiently for my coffee to be done, watching Andrew wolf down some new peanut butter puffs (organic, thank you Panda), and trying to stay awake. What excitement I lead people, what excitement.